A Continent Blessed With Abundant Mineral Resources, Shouldn’t Be Begging – Jude Okaa

According to Mr Jude Okaa, African Merchant leader, “A time and season when the economic system of Africa is fatigued, a Continent that is blessed and known for abundance of natural resources, now beg and borrow from other Countries of the world is highly disturbing and worrisome. This calls for a change in our thinking and a revolutionary way of doing things if Africa must be great again. A productive mind that will generate a lot of ideas to turn our resources into finished products will resurrect Africa from dead works and facilitates an economy that will thrive and improve the wellbeing of our citizens.

While speaking to the African Pioneers Mr Jude Okaa,   on Monday 3rd June, 2024 in his address thanked all the GCV Ambassadors and Leaders of all sizes for  sensitisation of the African communities   , advocating against the buying and selling of Pi coins . “I thank the person of Dr Prince Charles Adeleke and other National Leaders”.

He called on all and sundry to wake up. He said, pioneers must beware of pleasures, stating we have the  problem of buying things we really do not need simply because we saw that others are buying same or it looks attractive in the advertising media. Simply put, because we have money or too much of it. Most of the times we end up with what we don’t need. Most of these items end up not been used because they were acquired by impulse due to attraction and beauty.

“I want to implore you to have a change of mindset, a right thinking, understanding the real difference between window-shopping and to be able to know real shopping. With all due respect to our Muslim brothers, Mr Jude said, the book of Proverbs have this to say, “ He that Loveth pleasures shall have enough poverty”. He asked, how can a very rich Continent suddenly become so poor? A Continent other Continents look up to for their raw materials for production, how has a Continent like this eventually start buying from a Continent who used to come and get raw materials from them? What actually went wrong with the Africa mindset and thinking? Earlier in an address I had mentioned that we produce cocoa but we buy chocolate from other Countries; we produce trees but we import toothpick from China and other Countries; we produce marina trees but we buy paper from other countries; we have wool but can’t make clothes. He that loves pleasure shall be poor. Here’s our problem – what we love. To buy made in China, USA, Germany, Japanese vehicles or other products is wonderful but the only thing that will transform African economy is made in Africa goods and services. If products are not made by Africans, how do they benefit Africa? If a benefit is not designed by Africa how can it be for Africa? I want to talk about afripimall our online marketplace for African Pioneers and for the global Pioneers. A place where African Merchants are expected to promote African-made products; to market your goods and services made for the African Pioneers where you are expected to see flooded goods made for Africans where Pioneers are expected to be merchants. With what you’ve mined I tell you you’ve grown beyond been just a consumer. Let us change the former narratives of only been a consumer to be producers and manufacturers. There are a lot of ideas in the mind of an African. But you must be able to bring it out.

You cannot continue selling phone accessories made by children in China here in Africa. Listen to me, Africa’s University graduates shouldn’t continue selling phone accessories. Think and grow up. We have all the resources here. Immediately after Open Mainnet you have the money. I implore you to start producing something in Africa so that you can employ those who don’t have the wealth you have. Think about this, rather than spend two hundred and fifty million Naira (N250,000,000.00) to buy one bullet proof car why not use that money to build at least one factory or a small scale industry that can at least employ twenty to thirty (20-30) persons and pay them hugely, making them comfortable. You can equally establish an industry with a workforce of 90-100 persons and program them to run shifts like it’s done in other regions and you pay them by the hours they work. Establish three shifts: 30 persons to work from morning to 12noon; others from 1:00pm to 7:00pm; and the last shift at night. In this case, we can easily end hunger and unemployment that is ravaging Africa and no other person is in the proper position to think and establish these factories except you the Pioneers who have some coins in your wallet. You are the merchants we are talking about. You can partner with those who have an idea without money then finance it. Let us put ourselves together and start producing.

Those who have the know-how about car production don’t relent; if you can produce television don’t renege; if you can produce toothpick begin to think about that. Anyone who can produce electricity think about starting your own project. Those of you who can produce paint, leather, aluminium, saws for shoes, those who know how to produce papers, anyone with the knowledge of producing anything we can use in our various homes do not relent your effort. If you can produce electrical fittings go into that immediately. Those who can produce perfume or cream please go into that. Think of cello tape, whatever idea you have put it into use let’s see the result.

Pleasure, fancy! Mr Jude stated that, this is what other people from other Continents find in us when they come here. They say, we’re a very relaxed people that failed to tasks their mind. That we are a set of lazy people. They’ve perceived us as lazy people who cannot think by themselves or rule themselves. I challenge anyone who cares to listen to me that as Pioneers we are here to think for ourselves, govern ourselves. We can produce and equally rule ourselves. Howbeit our governments will come to tell us about the billions of dollars they’ve used on importation annually and then ask yourself where are those things government stated that they imported? If you buy one today, next it spoils because it wasn’t produced for you and by this you can see that it lacks quality. Advance for quality production and make quality products possible and available. African made products. I sincerely commend the Governor of Anambra State Professor Charles Soludo in the Eastern part of Nigeria. His first vehicle in office was a product of Innoson Vehicles. Anambra is one such State in Nigeria where all the governments owned vehicles including his official car as a Governor is manufactured by the Innoson of Nnewi in Anambra State in Nigeria here in Africa. Two days ago I still spotted this Governor with another brand new jeep that is made by Innoson Motors. This Governor is a man promoting African-made products why most other Governors and Presidents in Africa are busy lavishing African wealth out there buying luxuries; pleasures. Imagine with me that an African President could buy 100 SUVs just for a particular conference. Now, what happens when the conference is over in few days and the guests have gone to their various States and Regions or Countries? Money budgeted to build up a country was now wasted in pleasure.

African Pioneers, once again I bring you the good news of Afripimall this day Mr Jude added. This project is for you as long as you are a Pioneer it does not matter the group you belong to; it doesn’t matter who you are looking up to or following. All of us are working towards one thing and one goal: GCV, Open Mainnet, and Wealth for Africa. As a Leader or an Ambassador, you are a Merchant. Having a community of persons to lead you are an Ambassador and a Leader. Afripimall is for you and I want to add that you are expected to have made your contribution towards the building of this project Afrimall. However, there’s no competition, no challenge, and it’s not a one-man business. It’s an online marketplace, a project embarked upon by African Pioneers from all around Africa making contributions with a minimum of $1 and today I have come to inform you that our Engineers are test-running the keys and the operations. Right now the registration is on-going with the government. Believe me, this is a serious business so please let’s think right. Let’s put our heads down and work, making Afripimall a huge success so that those who are from other Continents can buy from Africa. This will also save our governments from spending billions of dollars annually for importations. Finally, with this we can attract exports and buyers from all other Continents to Africa not only raw materials so that Africans can also enjoy products made  for Africans and best by Africans for Africans.

In conclusion, “my mission is to influence your mind and challenge you and to remind you that you are not a consumer and God didn’t make you so. Africa’s land is not cursed; African Continent was not cursed and we are not accursed people. We’re not lazy neither are we lousy. Our brains are not empty”.

Let me quickly remind you that in the 1940s most Continents looked up to Africa but today the reverse has been the case. Let us team up together and make our economy once more a robust one. I am Jude Okaa, Africa’s GCV Merchant Leader. Thank you, God bless all.

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Stephen Gums

AfricanParrot TV.

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1 comment

Choucko June 5, 2024 - 8:23 am
Good work, agreed
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