Home African Parrot Afripimall; Online Market Place to Buy Diverse products

Afripimall; Online Market Place to Buy Diverse products

by James


Afripimall is an online marketplace built by African community where merchants accept Pi at its GCV value of $314,159 per Pi. This platform demonstrates the real-world utility of Pi and empowers African businesses and consumers.

Product Categories:
Diverse range of products, including:
1. Food and beverages
2. Home furnishing
3. Apparel and accessories
4. Fashion supplies
5. Convenience products
6. Consumer electronics and electronic gadgets
7. Electrical appliances
8. Office supplies
9. Computer and computer accessories (hardware and software)
10. Mobility vehicles (cars, motorcycles, etc.)
11. Etc.

Medium of Exchange:

PiCoin (at the Pi GCV)

Aims and Objectives:

1. Offer affordable goods and services: Afripimall aims to provide consumers with access to a wide variety of products at competitive prices. This could be particularly beneficial in regions with limited access to traditional retail options.

2. _Promote financial inclusion_ : By using PiCoin as the medium of exchange, Afripimall will contribute to financial inclusion by leveraging the Pi Network’s reach, especially among unbanked populations.

3. Drive Pi Network adoption:_ Afripimall serves as a real-world use case for PiCoin, potentially incentivizing more people to join the Pi Network and participate in its ecosystem.

4. Stimulate economic growth in Africa: By creating a platform for African businesses to sell their goods and for consumers to spend their Pi, Afripimall could contribute to economic development on the continent.

5. Become a pan-African marketplace:_ With plans for physical branches across Africa, Afripimall aspires to become a major retail player, connecting consumers and businesses throughout the continent.

Overall, Afripimall presents a unique concept aimed at revolutionizing e-commerce in Africa. Its focus on affordability, financial inclusion, and Pi integration positions it as a potentially disruptive force in the African marketplace.


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John Wilson bassey June 23, 2024 - 9:15 pm

Afripimall is the African pride. kudos to Pi network!

Stephen Gums June 23, 2024 - 9:05 pm

This is interesting! Thanks to our Community’s support.

Alasan Jimoh Jamiyu June 23, 2024 - 8:53 pm

This is awesome, can wait to make a purchase very soon. Pi GCV=$314,159


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