African `pioneers have been enjoined to go into productions for the economic transformation of the continent. This was made known by Mr Jude Okaa  African Merchants leader  while addressing pioneers as anticipation for the open version of the mainnet grows.

He started by saying “I want to appreciate every one of you for the good work you have been doing all this while sensitizing the people and alerting them on the need to protect their asset; the need to protect their wealth.

I want to particularly state that God will bless every one of you immensely and generations to come will live to remember these good works you people are doing today. In a time and season when things have fallen apart in the Continent of Africa by the reason of the attitude of the people we have in the corridors of power in the Government offices, the kind of Presidents and Politicians Africa has produced where people that should have nothing to do with governance are found in the corridors of power, where people that should be leaders have been reduced to mere political puppets to their European or Western puppet Masters where the supposed Leaders of Nations cannot make decisions on their own. So we live to congratulate some Presidents in Africa. We may not really have the time to mention their names but we do know some of them by names.  Presidents from certain Countries like Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Senegal, and others. Making a difference today in the Continent of Africa.

I want to appreciate the person of Dr Prince Charles Adeleke for the immense contributions he has made in Africa Pi GCV towards revolutionizing the mind of the people that they must actually know where we are coming from and where we are headed to and the position we are.

Tonight, I want to speak of China. Every Country in this Continent of Africa wants to buy products or made in China. They are eager to buy made in China products. But I want to take you back a bit. China was once a very poor and wretched Country like you have today in Africa pointing at some certain Countries in Africa today. The people of China were so poor, so impoverished, very hungry, no employment, zero job until a man of vision stood up and eventually became the President of China and the man put up policies, his government put up policies that transformed China and those policies and principles China upheld brought China to where they are today. Now people are celebrating… China wants to give us this, China wants to give us that, China wants to supply us this. I am not fascinated; I am not moved. I would have appreciated to hear from you when you tell me that you have an intention as a Pioneer, an African has the intention of importing or buying this and that from China. Not China giving to you what they want. Most times when they give you what they want or when other Continents of the world or people from other parts of the world give you what they want you will definitely end up having what you don’t need. I want the Pioneers in Africa to stand on their feet and be able to separate wants from needs. What we want is not needed, what we need is very crucial. It is high time we buy from China what we need; it is high time we buy from other Continents what we need and not what they want. Certainly, not what they want to supply to us. Not finished products they want us to buy in quote, to enjoy when we really don’t need those things.  They can’t come to Africa and source for raw materials, finished the production and return to tell us this is what we Africans must enjoy. We are not morons. I challenge all the African Pioneers wherever you are in the Continent of Africa I challenge you. I want you to know that every Pioneer is a merchant and every Pioneer is a revolutionist, every Pioneer in Africa is a game changer. Every Pioneer in Africa is a rebuilder of Africa’s waste places. Every Pioneer in Africa should see himself as a Pioneer. Go and look up the meaning of the word PIONEER in your dictionary. It is time we Pioneer the light of Africa, it is time we Pioneer the economic difference of Africa, it is time we Pioneer the economic revolution of Africa, it is time we Pioneer the economic transformation of Africa, it is time we Pioneer the economic salvation of Africa, it is time we Pioneer the salvaging of African Continent, African destinies, African people, African Sons and Daughters what we need from other Continents is not finished products; we don’t need cars, we can manufacture cars; we don’t need computers, we can manufacture computers. We don’t need android phones, we can produce them; we don’t need red oil, we can produce palm fruits. We don’t need cake, can produce groundnut; we don’t need clothes, we can produce cottons, we don’t need chocolate we have cocoas. If we have all these, what stops us from producing these things by ourselves?

Go to China, they have zero tolerance for any product that is made outside China. That’s the way it should be and that is how a nation stands. And that is how a continent is built and that is how a continent can survive.

Go to Israel, Israel have zero tolerance for products made outside Israel. They depend on their own production, the depend on their own products, they depend on their own intelligence. I want you Pioneers from Africa to post on this: “If you must eat egg during Open Mainnet produce one; if you must wear shoes, produce one. Challenge yourself. If you must wear clothes, produce one; if you must own a car or cars be ready to produce one. If you are willing, or you like drinking wine, produce one”. We need to go into manufacturing that is what will save the life and destiny of Africa

We need to go into production and that is what will transform the economy of Africa. We need to negotiate for the economic transfer, economic modification and revolution. We need to go to other countries and negotiate for technological transfer not finished products. You’re dancing around because China or Japan, Ukrain or Germany, or India name it is willing to supply you cars; they’re willing to supply you products, different kinds of finished products. Till when? Till when shall we continue wallowing in our own foolishness when we have what it takes to make these things available? Okay, for decays, you’ve been wearing clothes made in other Continents, “when will people from other Continents wear clothes made by you”? African, you’ve been using android handsets, telephone systems, computers produced in other Continents. I ask you, ” When shall people from other Continents make use of products made by you and here in Africa”? We’ve been driving cars made by Japan, cars made in Germany, cars made in Britain name it. India’s. I know in Africa we use Japanese and German products mostly. When shall these Regions drive cars made by you? This is the challenge. This is the challenge I want you all to pick up and address it by yourselves. I want you to drink from this depths. This is exactly where we’re headed to because that’s where we were in the past. We produced our own red oil from the palm fruits we have here. In the past our Forefathers were making holes from the iron and ore from here in our own territory. They were making machetes available. Don’t tell me it was their Colonial Masters that supplied them machetes. I want you to know that they were machetes, they were holes and other agricultural implements produced by Africans and used by Africans in Africa before the Europeans and the Portuguese eventually came here.

Today, African Countries are looking up to the West, and Europe to borrow money. Borrowing from IMF, America, World Bank, Paris Club, Switzerland what a shame! I want to take you aback, as an African Pioneer, as an African Merchant, as African Revolutionist, as an African Transformer, an Initiator checkout the word PIONEER. I want to take you aback a bit. Go back to history lane, in the year between 1940-1950 go and check the history of Africa. For instance, Nigeria, the most prosperous Country, the most prosperous economy in the world then was Nigeria, and when you come to Nigeria, the most prosperous Region then was the Eastern part of Nigeria. In the year 1946 this Great Britain that is terrorising here and there claiming to help Africa, claiming to help Ghana, claiming to help Nigeria destroying the economy, destroying the stars and destinies of youths; controlling their political puppets in government offices, in the year 1946 the immediate past Queen Elizabeth II who died few years ago came to Nigeria, went to the Eastern part of Nigeria and borrowed from Nigeria five hundred billion pounds (£500B) from the then ACB Bank. In the space of 1946-1948 America borrowed two hundred billion pounds (£200B) from Nigeria; Switzerland borrowed two hundred billion pounds (£200B) from Nigeria, and the man from history that signed that money for them was Luis Ojukwu. And today, they’re coming back to tell you… our leaders are telling you that you need European’s help. How? We want to return Africa where it should be; We want to bring back the African economic glory, African economic wealth.

Now that this wealth is around the corner, after Open Mainnet, I want you to think of what product you can make available. Start grouping yourselves, putting yourselves together in groups to start indicating interest and co-emerging interest; start talking to one another. People should come together, a group should emerge that should go into the production of copper (copper wires) for electricity and related uses, and another group the production of aluminum, another group should think about the production of cast which is the combination of iron and aluminum; another group should go into the production of irons, metals, pan. Another group should go into the production of real paint – not substandard or none-sense but high quality-all-kinds of auto or oil paints and the ones for buildings. Another group should go into the production of leather, we’ve been using foreign-made leather, it is high time other Continents use made in Africa leather and wear made in Africa shoes, all components made in Africa. Another group should go into the production of clothes, textiles. It is enough exporting raw materials. Countries like Benin Republic produce cotton in mass. We should buy from them as a nation. Go into the production of clothes, textile. Another group should go into the production of chocolate. We have enough cocoa. We have cocoa in mass in Africa. People should go into the production of chocolate and beverages. In Plateau State of Nigeria, they have coffee planted there. African Merchants, African Pioneers.

African Pioneers are the African Merchants. I will love it when I hear you’ve imported agricultural equipments from Korea to go into agriculture, a mechanized agriculture forcefully in mass. Our arable lands should be cultivated. We should make food available for and in Africa and stop these buying from here and there. Boasting and making the economy of other Continents strong while we together with the government we have in Africa destroy our own economy. I am tired of seeing graduates riding motorcycles; I am tired of seeing African graduates driving taxis; I am tired of seeing African graduates roaming around the streets in search of jobs that exists not. I am tired of seeing African Professors been used for election malpractices, maneuvering and other manipulations they do here in Africa. I am tired of seeing some African youths languishing on the streets of Africa. I am tired of seeing African ladies becoming harlots in Europe, Italy and other places. We are better than all these morons. We have the best. God gave us so much than other Continents combined. So much is in the African soil, and so much is in the African man. All these products that are been imported from China or are being produced or manufactured from China, I want you to know that none of these products is China’s initiative or Chinese brainchild. These are the ideas imported into China from outside world. And when they are produced and are being supplied to other nations to worsen it is that they mostly end up been sub-standard or fake except the ones they export to America. And, when they export to America they export with America’s specifications. Why is it so? Because it’s America that determined what they want and how it should be. They export to Europe based on European standard. And when it comes to Africa because we have nobody in government and there is no organization or group to checkmate what is been brought into Africa, they bring what they want and when you check it you’ll see that they are what we don’t need but what they want. But, I want to hear that you went to other Continents to import, and you actually imported what Africa needs. Agricultural equipments and educational materials. Copy education that will transform the people, not this kind of education we have in Africa telling us the history or the story of Mongo Park, the story of Queen Elizabeth, the story of the highest mountain, the tallest mountain, story of the largest or the deepest ocean. What has these to do with the transformation of the Continent of Africa? How can it help us to transform our economies and end poverty, hunger, and all the ill social crises we’re suffering today in Africa? How will it strengthen the economy of Africa? No nation becomes great by exporting only raw materials; every nation that ends up been great became great by tapping into the material and human resources embedded in their citizens. So I challenge you Pioneers, all the African Pioneers, we are busy building AFRIPIMALL. Today we are busy building an online shopping mall where you will showcase your products. I challenge you, this is where you are going to showcase your products. While our Engineers are busy working seriously day and night to make sure they deliver to us exactly what we want not what every other person from outside the world want. We are not working and expecting anybody from the outside world to detect for us how it should be. We know exactly what we want and how we want it and we’ve given the task to our Engineers and they’re busy working and giving us weekly updates about things embedded into the Afripimall project.

Today, we are building AFRICANPARROT TV. And as you can see the AFRICANPARROT is working, the men out there are doing a tremendous work. So I want every Pioneer from the African Continent to look out to Afripimall that is your online shopping mall where you’ll showcase all your goods and services to the world and every other products made in your own countries. INNOSON (IVM) Nigeria, car manufacturers in South Africa let us promote Africa’s made products. Products made in Africa, made in Nigeria, products made in Burkina Faso, products made around Africa.  Another African country producing Electric Vehicles let us patronise them. If you are from such countries, come up to Afripimall. I repeat, come over to Afripimall if you don’t have products, someone in your country have products. If you have no idea, someone in your area has; if you cannot give us an idea be ready to partner with someone, be ready to finance someone’s project in your country and ensure the project is completed properly then we’ll showcase it. It is time we resurrect the destiny and the light of Africa from the pit of slavery and pit of destruction where men without vision dragged it to”.

 Mr Jude Okaa However, concluded with heartfelt prayers “God bless you African Pioneers, God bless African Merchants, God bless Global Pioneers, God bless the Pi Network Core Team, God bless Dr Nicholas Kokkalis and his wife Dr C. Fan, God bless Dr Prince Charles Adeleke, God bless all the African Pi Community Leaders, God bless all the Nigerian Leaders, God bless all the Pioneers in Africa who are working seriously to ensure our people are well sensitized. God bless Doris Yin for the very good work she started and has brought to fruition talking about Pi GCV $314,159 and I finally want to say God bless all the Global GCV Leaders”.

Thank you.


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Bemsen Dadi May 22, 2024 - 5:50 am
A wonderful and innovative platform to promote Pi Network.
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