Who can ever measure his joy or imagine how it could be when finally, many lives would be set free from different tax masters ranging from individuals to governments? How would it look when Pioneers have reached their paradise? Pi Network is pregnant with a lot of mysteries. I don’t know what kind of news you’ve been anticipating. Likewise, I don’t know what kind of day you are waiting on. But I have good news for you. Like the breaking of the day or the dawning of the same, the fully anticipated breaking news of Open Mainnet will become the banner headlines of different and all kinds of media systems from electronic to print to social that will take away sleep from the eyes of many and remove sadness from a lot who have been embarrassed and handicapped by the poverty of this world. In this poem, the writer wishes to prepare the minds of spectators by conveying a lot of pictures using imagery.

It is called the “day of joy”.  The excitement of many governments, industries and corporations, medium and small-scale businesses, merchants and individual Pioneers will know no bounds. A day comes indeed!

In the digital expanse where blockchain technology and cryptocurrency entwine,

A story of strong economies and financial freedom unfolds for men and women of divine.

A journey of five years have danced in the virtual night,

A symphony of progress, a mesmerizing sight.

2024 whispers to a chorus so grand,

The Open Mainnet journey unfolds, shaping a new revolution for finances,

In the crucible of development, challenges embraced with daring hopes,

Core Team, Developers, and Pioneers together interlaced.

A transition from Beta to Testnet, Enclosed Mainnet to Open Mainnet , where bugs once dared to roam,

Now transformed into Checklists and security,

With each line , a melody composed,

Harmony and progress, intricately enclosed into a surprising gift.

The past year’s dance, a relentless ballet,

Through triumphs and hurdles, pointing the way through the Road Map.

Now, a crescendo of joy in the air,

Entangle’s Mainnet, long awaited an epoch to declare.

Gaze into the future, where possibilities gleam,

A roadmap written, a coder’s vivid dream.

Liquid Vaults echoing, where assets intertwine,

A harmonious future, where innovation and industries shines.

On the digital bridge stage, we cross at last.

A true story of progress told, we outshines in grace.

As Mainnet approaches, let love lead.

Stephen Gums

AfricanParrot TV.


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1 comment

Gbonjubola Morgan May 31, 2024 - 10:00 pm
Hmmm more wisdom, one day will surely come ❤
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