Home African Parrot SUSPEND GMO INITIATIVE – Experts Urge the Federal Government of Nigeria.

SUSPEND GMO INITIATIVE – Experts Urge the Federal Government of Nigeria.

The Danger of GMO Crops on the African soil.


A GMO, or genetically modified organism, is a living plant, animal or microorganism that has been subjected to biotechnology. GMO developers use biotechnology to alter living organism’s fundamental characteristics. Most of the GMO crops grown today were developed to help farmers prevent crop and food loss and control weeds. Meanwhile, Experts from food industry, Researchers, and Environmental Science are concerned about the risk of outcrossing where genes from GMO foods pass into wild plants and other crops. a negative impact on insects and other species. reduction in other plant types, leading to a loss of biodiversity.

Technologies for genetically modifying foods offer dramatic promise for meeting some areas of greatest challenge for the 21st century. Like all new technologies, they also pose some risks, both known and unknown. Controversies and public concern surrounding GM foods and crops commonly focus on human and environmental safety, labelling and consumer choice, intellectual property rights, ethics, food security, poverty reduction and environmental conservation. With this new technology on gene manipulation what are the risks of “tampering with Mother Nature”?, what effects will this have on the environment?, what are the health concerns that consumers should be aware of? and is recombinant technology really beneficial? This review will also address some major concerns about the safety, environmental and ecological risks and health hazards involved with GM foods and recombinant technology.

However, as widely rejected in Europe and other parts of the world including some places in Africa, some countries of the world have already adopted this initiative. Approaching this, the All Farmers Association of Nigeria, (AFAN), a Non Governmental Organization, Health Of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) and Smallholder farmers in Nigeria have appealed to the Nigerian government to urgently suspend the use of Genetically modified Organization (GMO) to grow crops in the country.

This, the experts explained would reduce the negative health implications in human being, stop increasing cases of cancer and other diseases in Nigeria.

Speaking at a one day training organized by Health Of Mother Earth Foundation for small holder farmers drawn from over 15 states in Keffi, Nasarawa state, Programmes Manager of HOMEF, Cadmus Enade, said there was urgent need for the suspension of the application of GMO on crops to reduce the negative effect on Nigerians.

According to Cadmus, agroecology farming system which is in line with nature to promote food sovereignty and sufficiency has been abandoned due to the instruction and initiative of GMO by the federal government.

While noting that agroecology farming system is safer than Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), Cadmus added that the system of farming has brought harmful chemicals into production of crops in the country.

“We have overtime discovered that GMO is harmful to the health and well-being of people, the environment, animals and the biodiversity around. The practice of agroecology farming system can also curtail the causes of climate by replenishment of the ecosystem which has been destroyed massively with the application of chemicals that fast destroy the ecosystem today”.

“So this training is aimed at training community farmers in Nasarawa on how best they can use agroecology practices to enhance their food production and their livelihoods because agroecology is not just a practice but also a scientific way of producing safe food and making it sufficient for farmers.

“It involves using organic produce, organic items that you can find around your environment. It also means producing crops without any form of chemical involvement and usage. So we are encouraging local farming systems that boost food security and safety,” he said.

He however called on governments at all levels and regulatory bodies to focus the search light on some big stores who are currently selling GM foods but unknown to many customers who do not have the culture of reading labels before consumption and therefore not knowing exactly what they are consuming.

He however called on governments at all levels and regulatory bodies to focus the search light on some big stores who are currently sell GM foods but unknown to many customers who do not have the culture of reading labels before consumption and therefore not knowing exactly what they are consuming.

Mr. Enade hinted research carried showed that some of the GM seeds resulted in massive death of birds in farms, death of some kinds of grasses where these seeds are planted, which means those seeds are harmful even to humans over time.

Also speaking, National Secretary, All Farmers Association of Nigeria, Dr Yunusa Halidu called on the federal government to initiate a policy that would promote bio-fertilizers and organic farming rather than the GMO to enhance the production of healthy food and the environment.

Halidu stated that over time, most farmers across the country had continued to complain about the high cost of agrochemical products, especially fertilizers and pesticides as well as their adverse effects on humans and the environment.

He called on the federal government to reduce the emphasis on genetically modified crops and adopt local ways of crop production using natural resources to ensure food safety and a healthy environment.

Some participants, Mrs Ujomu Funke from Kwara State and Mrs Omolara Ayodeji from Oyo State noted that most smallholder farmers across the country cannot afford to procure agrochemical products due to the high costs hence the need for the government to set aside substantial resources to promote bio-fertilizer and pesticides production.

The training was organized for smallholder farmers in fifteen states including Nasarawa, Oyo, Kano and Plateau to train them on how to produce organic fertilizer and pesticides using local materials.

Stephen Gums


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1 comment

Igba Terkimbir Simon June 17, 2024 - 3:41 pm

This is so inspiring


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