African pioneers  have been enjoined to adopt infrastructural development as a way of improving lives of the citizens. This injunction was given by Mr Anthony popularly known as Integrity and Uprightness while addressing Pioneers on the African Community platform. Mr Anthony from Imo State of Nigeria commended the leadership of GCV $314,159 for the relentless effort. He said “I am so happy to be among the living today and I want to use this opportunity to greet our amiable African Community GCV Leader Dr Prince Charles and other Leaders in our group. Thanks to @Ettopy the leader who brought us a video on palm oil  production and industrial development. I want to speak about the palm industry in particular, I was filled with joy immediately I watched this video because it’s been my dream right when I was younger to have such a large farmland full of palm trees that will produce fruits for me to sell out to industries like this to produce oil. I never knew God was preparing me for something greater than my thoughts at that moment.

Today, I am extremely happy to be among people like this. It’s essential to belong to a group that will change your narrative – changing your mind into positive things. This group has significantly impacted my life. God bless @⁨Ettopy, You read my mind. I have imagined how I am going to create jobs for youth and how to engage the youth and make people happy.

Palm oil industry is such a great project that every African irrespective of your ethnicity should embark on. We can do better than the foreigners because we have much land to plant palm trees for industries. And let me shock you that nothing of the palm fruit is a waste.


-The outer layer will give you oil.

-The chaff will give you kerosene. I know you will wonder how? but I know how to do it based on my training. I have the skills.

-The shell can be used inform of gravels in construction or building when mixed with sand and cement. You can use it to mode pillars, and construction of roads.

-The kernel is for production of oil, pomades, cough syrup, hair cream for preservation of the hair. The oil is good for the skin. Anything that comes from the palm tree is useful.

Today, I am overwhelmed by watching this video and I am highly encouraged, it has given me deep insight on how to establish such with confidence. Concerning setting up the industry, you can import those equipments from anywhere in the world. Invite the experts to come and install it for you and train your personnel for them to start from there. This may be capital intensive, I tell you that, it takes money to look for money knowing you can’t do this by yourself so send your money on errands let it work for you by inviting experts to help you out and pay them up. Whenever you feel your workforce needs additional training, invite them again except you have discovered an expert around your jurisdiction to train them up. This will boom your industry.

If you’re privileged to acquire a large portion of land to plant palm trees make sure you set up your palm oil industry within the farm so that once you cut down the palm fruit you will take it straight to the machine that will remove the fruits from the bunch before processing the oil. You may not need to export your oil but a lot of traders will queue up with trucks to load your oil to the market. So begin now by drawing a plan for your industry. Should each Pioneer establish an industry in their State or Community each Country in Africa will be a better place to live. This will create a lot of jobs and no one will be in lack. Palm oil is a very big business particularly during rainy seasons making it scarce and cost.

I am passionate about this plan and will ensure I go for it now here in Owerri Imo State, Nigeria. I by this encourage you Pioneers that let’s look into industrialisation. If you have a skill please put it into practice. I am a producer of many things and that’s what is sustaining me most of the time. I use to produce dusting  powder, body cream, hair cream, perfume, body spray, organic fertiliser suitable for crops that is healthy for our consumption. I still update my brain about the things I trained of. I can produce paint. My personal house is painted with my paint product by myself and it lasts till today despite rain and sunshine. I encourage you Pioneers that wherever you see a resourceful information like this begin to prepare for it. Go for the best. Your ambition shouldn’t be luxury but carefully consider what your people needs”.

In view of the above, be willing to share your ideas with others but don’t tell them how you can achieve it. Invite Pioneers around your community and discuss how you can construct roads in your community. Contribute resources and power if need be solar system energy. Hire the youth and train them as security guards let them man these projects.

It’s no gain saying that a lot of Pioneers are planning to relocate from their places because Pi is on the way. Whatever will make you to run away fix it. “MONEY STOPS NONSENSE, AND EMBARRASSMENT AND INSULTS”. There’s a type of contribution you will make in your community that will make even kidnappers become friends with you. They will even come to serve you. But if they find out you have wealth without knowing how you got it they will hunt you. If you run away from your place who are you leaving behind to fix it. Do you know why God made you part of that family or environment? Think about this, you can’t be a multimillionaire and your people are impoverished. Do things that will make your people to respect you.Thank you, God bless Africa.

Stephen Gums


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