In a clarion call to change the narratives and revamp the economy of Africa, and build a healthy food production and consumption in Africa by  Africans through agricultural development after  Open Mainnet, the African GCV Merchant Leader, Mr Jude Okaa speaking to AFRICANPARROT TV on Monday,  20th May, 2024 had this to say :

First, I want to thank all the African Pioneers who understands the message of Pi Network, the benefits it accrues, and understand the message we preach. I am a Christian with due respect to our Muslim brothers in Africa, and those that are not Christians but traditionalists. I respect all your choices and differences. I want to cite a Scripture in the Bible which says: ”He that loveth pleasure shall have enough poverty”. Another Scripture says, “It’s only a fool, only the sluggard that does not roast the meat he caught in hunting”. That is a slothful person, one who is lousy and very lazy will go hunting and after catching an animal will sell it as a raw material, he will not roast it. Listen my people, “One of the problems of Africa is pleasure”. I am African GCV Merchant Leader Jude Okaa from the Eastern part of Nigeria, please ensure this message goes round for all Africans and let it be translated into all the languages in Africa let our people hear this.

I want to speak on Agriculture. For many years now and many decades now Africa has been importing food from other Continents: Asia, America, Canada, India and other places. This has become a big challenge and had posed a serious threat to the economy of Africa and the security of our finances. Our governments have made little or no effort in the past even the so called effort they made appears to be a smoke screen, nothing to write home about. Over the years they’ve told us how many millions and Billions of Dollars the Country or Countries have spent or invested while importing food from other countries of the world. But one very important thing to note is that these countries does not import food from anywhere. They grow their own food.

Firstly, they feed their own people. Secondly, they grow their own food.

Thirdly, they achieve abundance, then, they think of exporting it to other nations. I don’t want to speak about people producing nonsense rice and plastic food just to poison other people. I am talking about people who grows real and natural food on their God-given-soil that was made for their Continent and their countries been exported to Africa and some of them are not healthy for our people. I want African Pioneers to think of invading agricultural sector. This is very vital, this is one of the ways of growing food and to grow-up our economy. These are the areas you must learn to invest. Stop thinking of buying cars, thinking of pleasures, stop thinking of marrying hundred (100) wives or having millions of children. Stop thinking of going out for pleasures. Stop thinking about clubbing; stop thinking of exotic cars. They are very wonderful. But how many years will you drive that car and it will turn to an old car?

History recounts of two young men in Nigeria, one a musician called Shina Peters and another who owns one of the Commercial Banks in Nigeria today. In that year, Shina Peters bought one car worth two million Naira (N2,000,000) and the other man invested the same amount in Financial Management Institution. He started a small business with money and eventually his business grew up to become one of the biggest banks in Nigeria today.

But both the house and the car that Shina Peters bought and parked in the same year got decayed and now that money is wasted. Any money invested in pleasure is a wasted resources. I want all the Pioneers in Africa to understand that this GCV we’re fighting for, this Pi Network all of us are involved, the sensitization we’re taking through to our respective Communities, understand the reason behind what we are doing that this Pi that is in our hands is an ASSET. CAPITAL ASSET that must be invested NOT SPENT ON PLEASURE OR WASTED. Think of agriculture. Think of the agricultural sector of your respective countries. We must take up agriculture as a serious business. We must invade agricultural sector, we must invest in growing our own food. We must invest in feeding Africa.

Think of a bud of corn, remove the back and count how many seeds are contained in one bud. Then, go to your garden and plant that corn. Wait for after three (3) months and see the harvest you’ll make. Gather all the corn seeds together and count how many seeds of corn you got from this bud of corn.  “This one bud of corn is this Pi Network coins we have in our hands today”. Go into agriculture. Stop thinking of importing foreign rice; stop thinking of importing finished foods, mechanically finished foods, industrially finished foods. These are not very healthy for us. Foods grown on African soil is the best for the African people. Foods grown on the Asian soil happens to be the best for the Asian citizens. Food grown on the American Continent is always and will be the best for them because God kept people in these various areas and gave them what to eat.

We must invest in agriculture! We must invest in agriculture!! We must invest in agriculture!!! So I challenge every Pioneer in Africa as long as you have access to my message whether audio, written and translated think of going to Asian Nations or Continent. Go to Europe, think of India, go and get agricultural equipments, import tractors, have them manufacture tractors for you; let them manufacture small excavators for you that can open up the ground in your respective countries or areas to plant and grow the kind of food that you eat in your place massively beyond what your people can consume. Let it be that no arable land in Africa is left uncultivated. So many Countries and Communities in Africa today have lands and forests that has not been cultivated for twenty or more years. Go and negotiate with the owners of those lands and Communities, invade them, cultivate them, plant corn, plant maize, plant beans, plant groundnuts, melon, watermelon, cassava, rice (upland rice and swampy planted species of rice) plant them. Plant all kinds of grains.

Get machines from the outside world rather than importing rice planted in their Regions which majority end up not been healthy for us because of the chemicals involved while processing them.  Get equipments, machines that will help plant these food, small excavators that will help till the ground, tractors of different kinds and for different agricultural purposes, machines that will help harvest them and move them into Africa. It won’t be evil to see that a man from Johannesburg made farm in Congo; it will not be evil to see that an African Pioneer from Togo made farm in Congo; it won’t be bad to hear that a person from Liberia own a farmland in Cameroon. I am challenging every Pioneer to move into agriculture, think agriculture until we feed ourselves and Africa we cannot say that we are free or say Africa is a Continent.

I challenge those in the past, and I tell you that we are not morons. They have said, “Whosoever controls Africa…the interest of this people from outside Africa is not really good. Their interest is to control us. Whoever controls the mind of an African rules the world “. We must stop people from outside Africa most of them from controlling our minds. We must stop them from controlling our lives and determining what we eat. We must stop them from determining what we should drink, what we wear, stop them from determining what we sing, the music we dance, the movies we watch, the food we eat, and where we sleep, houses we stays. The government that governs us and the people that governs us. We must stop them from thinking the thoughts our leaders in various government offices was supposed to think. Agriculture has become a challenge. Hunger everywhere, starvation everywhere, they come into our land claiming to help us while staying with us they end up creating more problems for us that will disorganise and make us not be able to rule ourselves.

As I conclude, think of agriculture my people. Get out there and get agricultural equipments. Get them in mass. Let us produce food in mass quantity. I tell you, if it takes ten (10) persons to cultivate one plot of land like 100 by 50 a day, it will take one agricultural equipment to cultivate twenty plots of land in a day. But it will take twenty persons to cultivate one plot of land in a day and at the end all of them will famished. But with machines like tractors and excavators they will be able to achieve plenty harvest in abundance more than we can consume – enough that we can consume in Africa, enough to export from Nigeria to other African Countries, enough to export from Senegal, enough to export from Burkina Faso, enough to export from Liberia, enough to export from Chad, enough to export from Niger, enough to export from Benin Republic name it. Eat Africa first! Let’s see how we will not make the difference. This is the challenge I am putting before any one of you today. Take up agriculture seriously and let’s end hunger and starvation. Let’s change the narratives. We have the power after Open Mainnet. We have the financial freedom, let’s have agricultural freedom. God bless Africa, God bless African Pioneers, God bless all African Leaders, God bless Global Pioneers, God bless Global GCV Ambassador Doris Yin, God bless Pi Network’s Dr Nicholas Kokkalis and Dr Chengdiao Fan, thank you.

Responding to this, Apostle Samuel Omotosho, a Pioneer from Osun State of Nigeria commended Mr Jude Okaa for his best advice for the youth and Pioneers of the African descent.  He cited various concerns from failed governments particularly in Nigeria where insecurity is the order of the day preventing farmers to do well, pledged his support for agricultural development and recommended same for all and sundry.

Stephen Gums


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